SCHHC Free Drive-Through Flu Shot Clinic

 In Arts & Community

Oct. 25 at Bandon City Park

Southern Coos Hospital & Health Center will once again offer free flu shots at its annual drive-through Flu Shot Clinic on Tuesday, Oct. 25, beginning at sunrise and continuing until 1 p.m. or while supplies last.

The free drive-through Flu Shot Clinic will be held in its usual location, in the graveled parking area adjacent to the main baseball field at Bandon City Park. Signs will be posted on 11th Street to clearly guide people.

This year, the hospital will offer both the high-dose vaccine for those 65 and over as well as the regular dose vaccine. As usual, there are limited supplies, so those wishing to receive flu shots are encouraged to come early and remain in their cars and medical staff will assist.

Southern Coos Hospital reminds everyone that medical staff will observe COVID-19 protection protocol by wearing masks, sanitizing between each shot, and ensuring the highest standard of safety. Southern Coos Hospital asks that community members attending the drive-through clinic wear a mask while flu shots are administered to protect staff.

There is no charge for the flu shots but donations to the Southern Coos Health Foundation are encouraged and greatly appreciated. The Flu Shot Clinic is available free to the public each year with funds raised by the Southern Coos Health Foundation from proceeds from the Golf for Health classic and the Southern Coos Hospital Gift Shop. Volunteers will be available to take donations and provide people with information about the work done by the Foundation.

SCHHC welcomes volunteers for this event, especially licensed nurses or other medical professionals. If interested or for more information about the clinic, email Denise Ebenal at or at 541-347-2426 ext. 193.

Article and 2021 drive-through clinic photo courtesy of Southern Coos Hospital & Health Center.


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