2025 Bandon Fringe Festival
One Act Plays • Music • Movement • Poetry & Storytelling • Film & Mixed-Media
Presented by the Sprague Community Theater & Bandon Playhouse
Performances June 27 and 28, 2025
At the Sprague Community Theater in Bandon, Oregon
How to Apply
Applications are now open for the 2025 Bandon Fringe Festival– an exploration of theatrical and performing arts!
Expanding on the 2024 One Act Play Festival, we are inviting applications for short-form plays and literary works, as well as music, dance, film and mixed-media presentations. Original material is encouraged; and participants may be eligible to share in a portion of ticket sales for their performance. The application deadline is April 4, 2025.
No Application Fee
All Theatrical Groups Welcome
Performers age 15 and older
General Application Guidelines
1. Groups may only submit one application per festival.
2. Original or un-published work is encouraged.
a) For published plays or literary work, we will need proof that you have secured the rights to perform. All licensing fees are the responsibility of the performing individual or group.
b) For published music not in the public domain, live or prerecorded, please provide confirmation that the work(s) are represented in the ASCAP and / or BMI catalogue.
3. Works that have been previously performed are eligible.
Please review additional guidelines for the work you would like to submit.

Refer to General Guidelines 1, 2 and 3
4. Maximum performance length: 60 minutes. (No minimum.)
5. No adaptations, children’s plays, or musicals.
6. Settings: Simple or suggested.
7. Play scripts should be submitted in PDF format with the title in caps, followed by the playwright’s name. Example: APRIL SHOWERS May Smith.
8. Play script cover sheet should include
a) Performing group’s contact information– name, address, phone, email
b) Playwright / Author’s contact information
c) It may also include a short synopsis
9. Any stage play format is acceptable.
Refer to General Guidelines 1, 2 and 3
4. Maximum performance length: 30 minutes. (No minimum.)
5. Settings: Simple or suggested.
6. Send us a web link to a video recording of your work.
a) Provide the work title and choreographer in text on the opening screen with the title in caps, followed by the choreographer’s name. Example: APRIL SHOWERS May Smith.
b) Uploaded videos should be publicly accessible, no account login required.
7. Any dance genre is acceptable.
Refer to General Guidelines 1, 2 and 3
4. Music set performance length: 15 to 30 minutes.
5. Vocal and instrumental performances must be live; no recorded backing tracks.
6. Sheet music or lyric sheets should be submitted in PDF format with the title in caps, followed by the composer and / or lyricist name. Example: APRIL SHOWERS May Smith.
7. Send us a web link to a video recording of your work.
a) Provide the work title and composer in text on the opening video screen with the title in caps, followed by the composer’s name. Example: APRIL SHOWERS May Smith.
b) Videos should be publicly accessible, no account login required.
8. Any music genre is acceptable.
Note: If you are submitting more than one song or piece, please choose a title for your set, and upload sheet music or lyric sheets in a single PDF file.
Refer to General Guidelines 1, 2 and 3
4. Set performance length: 3 to 15 minutes.
5. Settings: Simple or suggested.
6. Required– Literary works should be submitted in PDF format with the title in caps, followed by the author’s name. Example: APRIL SHOWERS May Smith.
7. The work’s cover sheet should also include
a) Performing group’s contact information– name, address, phone, email
b) Author / Publisher contact information
c) It may also include a short synopsis
8. Optional– Send us a web link to a video recording of your work.
a) Provide the work title and author in text on the opening video screen with the title in caps, followed by the author’s name. Example: APRIL SHOWERS May Smith.
b) Videos should be publicly accessible, no account login required.
Refer to General Guidelines 1, 2 and 3
4. Maximum performance length: 20 minutes.
5. Settings: Simple or suggested.
6. Option 1– Scripts should be submitted in PDF format with the title in caps, followed by the author’s name. Example: APRIL SHOWERS May Smith.
7. The script cover sheet should include
a) Performing group’s contact information– name, address, phone, email
b) Author’s contact information
c) It may also include a short synopsis
8. Option 2– Send us a web link to a video recording of your work.
a) Provide the work title and author in text on the opening video screen with the title in caps, followed by the author’s name. Example: APRIL SHOWERS May Smith.
b) Videos should be publicly accessible, no account login required.
Apply Today!
The deadline for festival applications is Friday, April 4, 2025.
Works selected for the 2025 Bandon Fringe Festival will be announced by May 1, 2025.
Note: Please prepare all of your application materials in advance. The application form must be completed and submitted in one session.

Festival FAQs
More information about the Sprague Community Theater, the Bandon Fringe Festival presenters, and the community of Bandon . . . .
The Sprague Community Theater is a 246-seat proscenium style performing arts venue located in Bandon City Park, 1202 11th St. SW, Bandon, Oregon.
Back stage amenities include a spacious hallway / green room space and two dressing rooms. Each dressing room is equipped with a private restroom. All public spaces in the theater are ADA accessible.
The Bandon Fringe Festival is presented by the Sprague Community Theater along with our local community theater organization, Bandon Playhouse. To learn more about our theater venue and how to offer your support, check out or Involvement page.
Learn more about Bandon Playhouse at BandonPlayhouse.org.
For more information about the Bandon Fringe Festival, please email our theater manager Stephanie Jones at events@bandon-or.gov.
Bandon, Oregon, is located on the Southern Oregon Coast, and our Sprague Community Theater is within walking distance of the beach!
If you are a return visitor, or discovering Bandon for the first time, we hope you enjoy your theater experience along with Bandon’s other attractions.
To plan your stay, visit the Bandon Chamber of Commerce website, Bandon.com, to browse lodging, dining and activity options.