Theater Usher Orientation
April 19, 2025 @ 10:00 am

Become an active supporter of the Sprague Community Theater by joining our Volunteer Usher program. Ushers are invited to watch performances the same days they are volunteering. Explore your interest in drama, music, dance and more, while supporting local performing arts!
Volunteers age 16 and older are welcome. Thanks to all who have served as a front of house volunteers in the past! We hope you will join us again.
Volunteers are asked to attend one orientation session before their next shift. Sessions are offered October through June. Sessions are presented at the Sprague Community Theater and last about one hour. For more information, visit our Theater Ushers page.
Advance sign-up is appreciated. Please email Theater Manager Stephanie Jones, events@bandon-or.gov, to RSVP.