Volunteer Theater Usher Program
Usher orientation offered monthly,
October through June.
Join Our Volunteer Usher Program
Ushers are invited to watch performances the same days they are volunteering. Explore your interest in drama, music, dance and more, while supporting local performing arts and Bandon’s Sprague Community Theater!

Thanks to all who have served as a front of house volunteers in the past! We hope you will join us again.
Volunteers are asked to attend one orientation session before their next shift. Sessions are offered October through June and last about one hour. Volunteers age 16 and older are welcome.
Upcoming orientation dates:
Oct. 12, Oct. 23, Nov. 4, Nov. 16, Dec. 14, 2024
Jan. 11, Jan. 15, Feb. 8, March 8, April 19, May 24, June 14, 2025
Visit our Event Calendar to confirm the time for each orientation. Advance sign-up is appreciated. Please email Theater Manager Stephanie Jones, events@bandon-or.gov, to RSVP.
Usher Description – What to Expect
The primary purpose of the usher program is to ensure a welcoming and safe theater experience for audience members and presenters. Ushers report to the theater manager for all questions and concerns during a performance / shift.
Time Commitment
Ushers arrive 60 minutes prior to the start of the performance and remain on duty until patrons have left the building (approximately 15 minutes following the performance).
Volunteers may sign up for as many events as they wish. Shift changes are permitted through arrangement with the theater manager.
Ushers guide audience members to their seats, hand out programs and direct patrons to locations such as the restrooms or concessions. In an emergency, ushers assist the theater manager with procedures.
Dress Code
Dark shirt, (no logos or graphics), and dark pants such as jeans, black leggings, black slacks. Comfortable shoes you can stand and walk in throughout your shift. No distressed items. If you do not have the items needed, please speak with us and we will help you.
Training / Preparation
Volunteers must attend one orientation prior to their first shift. Orientation is offered once a month from October to June. Sessions last approximately one hour.
All volunteers should thoroughly read the volunteer manual and follow directions, updates and changes given by the theater manager. There will be a brief meeting before each performance.
Ushers are required to carry a small flashlight at each shift, which is provided by the Sprague Community Theater.
Returning volunteers are asked to attend orientation at least once every two years.
Ushers are invited to watch the performance the same day they are volunteering.
Contribute to a positive patron experience.
Explore your interest in drama, music, dance and more, while supporting local performing arts.
Interact with like-minded people.
Get Started
To learn more, and sign up for an orientation session, please email Theater Manager Stephanie Jones: events@bandon-or.gov
And, subscribe to our email list to learn about upcoming programs and events.