Community Programs & Services
Community Meals Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
Bandon Senior Activity Center

Drop by the Bandon Senior Activity Center for a game of cards or a round of pool. Scheduled games and activities include Bridge, Cribbage, yoga, crafts, spinner’s group, TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), and more.
Our senior center is a casual setting for fun and social time. Choose a board game, work on a jigsaw puzzle, or just relax with friends. The senior center entrance is located at the southeast side of the community center.
Volunteers are invited to serve as host or hostess. Call 541-347-4131 for more information.
Visit our News section for the latest updates to the activity schedule.
Senior Meals
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
Doors open at 11 a.m., and lunch service begins at 11:30 a.m.
Enjoy lunch with friends at Bandon’s Senior Meals program. Fresh salad bar and hot lunch are prepared and served at the Bandon Community Center three days per week.
Friends and community members of any age are also welcome. There are no charges for meals for individuals age 60 or older, although participants are invited to contribute. The suggested lunch price is $5 for seniors age 60 and older, their spouses, and those with disabilities. Meals for those under age 60 are $5 per person.
Homebound residents may request meal delivery by the Meals on Wheels program.
The Coos County Senior Nutrition Program is sponsored by South Coast Business Employment Corporation through its Area Agency on Aging office. Funding from the Older Americans’ Act helps support the program along with donations from local businesses and individuals.
For more information about local senior services, contact SCBEC, 541-269-2013.
Good Neighbors Food Distribution
Monthly, first Tuesday, 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Good Neighbors provides supplemental food for individuals and families with low incomes.
Distribution is the first Tuesday of each month at the Lions Club storage building in the parking area south of the Community Center.
For drive-up distribution, please enter the parking area from the 11th St. entrance and exit around the back, between the community center and theater, toward 8th St.
Pedestrians can pick up their groceries in a separate service line.
E.A.T. Community Dinner
Weekly, 5:30 p.m. Tuesday (doors open at 5:15 p.m.)
Sit down to a nutritious home-style dinner at the Bandon Community Center. Everyone is welcome at E.A.T.
For more than 15 years, volunteers for Everyone At Table have prepped and served free community dinners especially for those with limited incomes. Those who are not on limited incomes are welcome and asked to help by donating for their meal. E.A.T. is a nonprofit organization working in partnership with other Bandon food share groups and Oregon Food Bank. Volunteer cooks and servers are invited.
Bandon Lions Club
Monthly, first Wednesday, 12 p.m.
The Bandon Lions Club is a part of Lions Clubs International. Monthly meetings are held on the first Wednesday, 12 p.m., at the Community Center. Visit the Bandon Lions website to learn more.
Bandon Playhouse
Monthly, first Wednesday, 6 p.m.
Bandon Playhouse meets the first Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. Meetings are held in the lobby of the Sprague Community Theater– In the event that another program is underway at the theater, an alternate meeting location will be announced. Bandon Playhouse has provided the best in community theater, from classic musicals to premiere works by new playwrights, since 1976. To learn more and join the Playhouse mailing list, visit